
Test conditions should be optimized to address specific analytes. However, it is not always possible to specify test conditions which are suitable for the measurement of inorganic and organic substances at the same time. Such conditions can also vary especially for various groups of organic constituents. Test requirements for organic constituents are generally more decisive for the quality of the analysis and test conditions which are appropriate for measuring the release of organic substances will mostly be applicable to inorganic constituents also.

Inorganic substances

Relation concentration and RSDr and RSDR for content of inorganic contaminants

In the figures below, the relationship between the concentration and relative repeatability standard deviation (RSDr) and relative reproducibility standard deviation (RSDR) is given for the content analysis of inorganic substances in soils, sludge, waste, biowaste and construction products. Apart from some obvious outliers, there is a clear increase in RSDr and RSDR as the concentration decreases. This matches with the relationship defined by Horwitz and Albert (2006). The consistency of the performance across fields indicates that comparison of performance data in tabulated form does not sufficiently consider the role of concentration level in  validation studies.

Figure 1. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies for As and Cd content in soil, sludge, biowaste (Project Horizontal abbreviation HOR, CEN/TC400; now TC444 – EN16171), waste (CEN/TC292; now TC444 – EN13657) and construction products (CEN/TC351 – EN17201).

Figure 2. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies on Cr and Cu content in soil, sludge, biowaste, (Project Horizontal abbreviation HOR, CEN/TC400; now TC444 – EN16171), waste (CEN/TC292; now TC444 – EN13657) and construction products (CEN/TC351 – EN17201).

Figure 3. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies on Hg and Mo content in soil, sludge, biowaste (Project Horizontal abbreviation HOR, CEN/TC400; now TC444 – EN16171), and construction products (CEN/TC351 – EN17201).

Figure 4. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies on V and Zn content in soil, sludge, waste, biowaste (Project Horizontal abbreviation HOR, CEN/TC400; now TC444 – EN16171), waste (CEN/TC292; now TC444 – EN13657) and construction products (CEN/TC351 – EN17201).


The above information can be used to judge individual test results. In case of critical evaluations, it is recommended to perform the needed analysis at least in duplicate.




Organic substances

Relation concentration and RSDr and RSDR for content organic contaminants

In the figures below, the relationship between the concentration and relative repeatability standard deviation (RSDr) and relative reproducibility standard deviation (RSDR) is given for the content analysis of organic contaminants in soils, sludge, waste, biowaste and construction products. Apart from some obvious outliers, there is a clear increase in RSDr and RSDR as the concentration decreases. This matches with the relationship defined by Horwitz and Albert (2006). The consistency of the performance across fields indicates that comparison of performance data in tabulated form does not sufficiently consider the role of concentration level in in performance.

Figure 1. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies for PAH (polyaromatic hydrocarbons) content in soil, sludge, biowaste, waste and construction products.


Figure 2. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies for PCB (polychlorobiphenyls) content in soil, sludge, biowaste, waste and construction products.


Figure 3. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies for DL-PCB (dioxin like
polychlorobiphenyls) content in soil, sludge and biowaste.


Figure 4. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies for PCDD-PCDF (dibenzofurans and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins) content in soil, sludge and biowaste.


Figure 5. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies of the content of phtalates (DMP, DBP, DEHP) in soil, sludge and biowaste (Project Horizontal – abbreviation HOR and BAM study using CEN/TS 16183) and construction products (sealants in TC 351 Robustness) using CEN/TS 16183.

Figure 6. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies of the content of different phenols (phenol, nonylphenol NP, nonylphenol monoethoxylate and diethoxylate, bisphenol A, chlorophenols) in soil, sludge and biowaste (Project Horizontal – abbreviation HOR) and construction products (render and waterproofing sheets in TC 351 Robustness) using CEN/TS 16182.

Figure 7. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies of the content of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in soil, sludge and biowaste (Project Horizontal – abbreviation HOR) and construction products (polyethylene reference in TC 351 Robustness) using EN ISO 22032.




Other parameters

Leaching tests are not suitable for the determination of the release of substances that are volatile under ambient conditions.

Eluates obtained by leaching procedures such as ISO 21286 series (soil), EN 12457 series (various solid matrices such as waste, soil, compost, biowaste etc., to be adapted for the analysis of organic substances), CEN/TS 16637 series (construction products) can be used for subsequent testing of ecotoxicological effects of the released substances.

For guidance on ecotoxicological testing see ISO 15799, ISO 17616, CEN/TS 17459.

Repeatability analysis in eluates

In the framework of the EU Project Harmonisation of leaching test, pH dependence tests were performed on a wide range of materials and products. The list is given in the table below. The tests were carried out in duplicate and covered per element a wide range of concentrations due to the fact that the pH in the test varies from around 2 to 13. The repeatability of the analysis is derived from the duplicate test and presented in graphs by element as the variation of the relative standard deviation versus the average of the measured eluate concentrations. For a number of elements the information has been grouped according to largely inorganic materials vs. materials with a relatively high content of organic matter. This factor can lead to higher uncertainties due to variability in DOC level. In other cases, samples show heterogeneity (Contaminated sediment MAL, stabilized waste, galvanic sludge).

Code No Materials  Short Description
SOI 1 Soil Loamy soil  Horizon A
SOI 2 Soil Loamy soil  Horizon B
CSO 1 Contaminated soil Metal contamination intermediate
CSO 2 Contaminated soil Metal contamination high -sewage sludge amended
SED 1 Sediments Relatively clean
SED 2 (MAL) Sediments Elevated metal  leachability
CW 1 Compost “clean compost” from putricibles only
CW 5 Compost MSW compost
SEW 1 (RWZI) Sewage sludge Rural sewage sludge
SEW 2 (IPF) Sewage sludge Contaminated urban sewage sludge
GAL Waste Filtercake from industrial waste treatment-galvano sludge
MFA Waste MSWI fly ash
SSI Waste Ash from sewage sludge incineration
STG Stabilized waste materials Stabilized product from waste 1
STF Stabilized waste materials Stabilized product from waste 2
CFA Construction material Concrete with additives/admixtures (coal fly ash)
ABA Construction material Asphalt with MSWI Bottom ash
BRI Construction material Sintered bricks
MBA Aggregates Granulated slag e.g. sieved,aged MSWI Bottom ash
RDW Aggregates Recycled demolition waste
DWP Drinking water pipes Cement mortar
IWO 1 Impregnated wood Metal salt impregnated wood
IWO 2 Impregnated wood Metal salt impregnated wood



Harmonization of leaching/extraction tests, 1997. Studies in Environmental Science, Volume 70. Eds H.A. van der Sloot, L. Heasman, Ph Quevauviller, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 292 pp.

Additional information for all other major, minor and trace elements is given here: All elements repeatability eluate analysis

Repeatability ICP-OES and ICP-MS eluate analysis CEN/TC 351 robustness

In the framework of the Robustness validation of analysis methods for construction products in CEN/TC 351 ICP-OES and ICP-MS measurements were done on a selection of construction product eluates (CEN/TC 351 Robustness validation of the draft methods for eluate and content analysis of inorganic substances – FINAL REPORT on substances other than As, Sb and Se, ALS Global for NEN Standards, December 2016 – and Vanhoof, C., Tirez, K., Robustness validation of the draft methods for eluate and content analysis of As, Sb and Se, VITO Report 2016/SCT/R/665. Available from

For the robustness study, measurements were performed with ICP-SFMS as well as ICP-OES. The eluates were preserved with 1% HNO3. Each eluate was analysed 10-fold and the average and repeatability standard deviation calculated. The results have been sorted by method and condition and the relative repeatability standard deviation (RSDr) was plotted against the average concentration in the respective eluate sample. The LOD of ICP-OES is generally higher than for ICP-MS.  The relative repeatability standard deviation increases as the concentration decreases in a typical curve with a different end point depending on the LOD of the specific measurement option. At measurement levels well above the LOD the methods perform very similarly.


Table of tested eluates

Code No Materials  Short Description
CFA E1 Coal fly ash CEN/TS 16637-3 Fraction 1-3 Cumulative L/S=0.5
CFA E2 Coal fly ash CEN/TS 16637-3 Fraction 7 Cumulative L/S=10
CMU E1 Clay masonry unit CEN/TS 16637-2 Fraction 1
CMU E2 Clay masonry unit CEN/TS 16637-2 Fraction 3
ECL E1 Expended clay CEN/TS 16637-3 Fraction 1-3 Cumulative L/S=0.5
ECL E2 Expended clay CEN/TS 16637-3 Fraction 7 Cumulative L/S=10
MAS E1 Masonry product CEN/TS 16637-3 Fraction 1-3 Cumulative L/S=0.5
MAS E2 Masonry product CEN/TS 16637-3 Fraction 7 Cumulative L/S=10
MSS E1 Steel slag CEN/TS 16637-2 Fraction 1
MSS E2 Steel slag CEN/TS 16637-2 Fraction 3
NAG E1 Natural aggregate CEN/TS 16637-3 Fraction 1-3 Cumulative L/S=0.5
NAG E2 Natural aggregate CEN/TS 16637-3 Fraction 7 Cumulative L/S=10
SRM1 Standard reference material Solution
TILE E1 Tiles or ceramic tiles CEN/TS 16637-2 Fraction 1
TILE E2 Tiles or ceramic tiles CEN/TS 16637-2 Fraction 3


Figure 1. Repeatability standard deviations for Al and As derived from tenfold analysis of eluates from CEN/TS 16637-2 and CEN/TS 16637-3 by ICP-OES and ICP-MS.



Figure 2. Repeatability standard deviations for Ba and B derived from tenfold analysis of eluates from CEN/TS 16637-2 and CEN/TS 16637-3 by ICP-OES and ICP-MS.



Figure 3. Repeatability standard deviations for Cr and Cd derived from tenfold analysis of eluates from CEN/TS 16637-2 and CEN/TS 16637-3 by ICP-OES and ICP-MS.



Figure 4. Repeatability standard deviations for Mo and Zn derived from tenfold analysis of eluates from CEN/TS 16637-2 and CEN/TS 16637-3 by ICP-OES and ICP-MS.



Figure 5. Repeatability standard deviations for As, Sb and Se derived from fivefold analysis of eluates from CEN/TS 16637-2 and CEN/TS 16637-3 by HG-ICP-OES and ICP-MS.




Analytical performance ICP OES vS ICP MS

In the figure below the performance of ICP OES vs ICP MS is shown for Cr and Cu. The sensitivity if ICP MS is obviously greater than ICP OES for these elements. The pattern of repeatability vs concentration is very similar reflecting that as concentrations start to approach the detection limit if the method the repeatability goes up. Several data far outside the range of expected behaviour point at sample heterogeneity, as the sensitivity should be more than enough to obtain more reproducible results at concentrations larger than 0.01 mg/l.

Black and blue points reflect repeatability data obtained by ICP MS from CEN/TC 351 robustness on eluates from a range of construction products. Orange dots: repeatability data from replicates of the pH dependence test on a wide range of soils, sludges, wastes and construction products.

Relation concentration and RSDr and RSDR for organic contaminants in eluates

In the figures below, the relationship between the concentration and relative repeatability standard deviation (RSDr) and relative reproducibility standard deviation (RSDR) is given for the eluate analysis of organic contaminants from leaching of soils, sediments and construction products. Apart from some obvious outliers, there is a clear increase in RSDr and RSDR as the concentration decreases. This matches with the relationship defined by Horwitz and Albert (2006). The consistency of the performance across fields indicates that comparison of performance data in tabulated form does not sufficiently consider the role of concentration level in performance.

Figure 1. Relative repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations for validation studies of PAH in eluates from leaching of soil, sediments and construction products.




TC351 validation study JRC

Horwitz, R. Albert (2006) The Horwitz ratio (HorRat): A useful index of method performance with respect to precision. Mathematics, Medicine, Journal of AOAC International.

BAM studies on DIN 19528


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