Grey literature

Relevant reports and background information



Background Information for the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Test Methods. EPA-600/R-10/170 (2010)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has initiated the review and validation process for four leaching tests under consideration for inclusion in its analytical chemistry guidance, SW-846.1 These protocols are derived from published leaching methods (Kosson et al. 2002) and international standards in various stages of development and validation on wastes (CEN/TS 14405 2004; CEN/TS 14429 2005; CEN/TS 14997 2005; CEN/TS 15863 2009), construction products (CEN/TS-2 2009; CEN/TS-3 2009), and soils (ISO/TS 21268-3 2007; ISO/TS 21268-4 2007; ISO/DIS 12782 parts 1-5 2010). The four test methods supported in this document provide the required materials leaching information for the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF).

EPA Field to Lab LEAF (2014)


Leaching Test Relationships, Laboratory-to-Field Comparisons and Recommendations for Leaching Evaluation using the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework. EPA 600/R-14/061 (2014).

This report presents examples of the relationships between the results of laboratory leaching tests, as defined by the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) or analogous international test methods, and leaching of constituents from a broad range of materials under disposal and beneficial use scenarios. A framework is defined for interpretation of laboratory testing results, including approaches for comparison of laboratory testing of fresh or field aged materials and leachate results from field applications. This report also illustrates the use of chemical speciation modelling for interpretation of leaching data and facilitated evaluation of scenarios beyond the conditions of laboratory testing. This report then provides recommendations for selection and use of the LEAF test methods, data interpretation, and chemical speciation‐based models as tools for environmental leaching assessment. Ten field cases were evaluated to illustrate how LEAF results can be used to compare to field leachate data for either the disposal or beneficial use of seven different materials.

EPA Background Leaching 


Validation of CEN/TC 444 (formerly CEN/TC 292) leaching tests and eluate analysis methods prEN 12457-1 TO 4, ENV 13370 and ENV 12506 in co-operation with CEN/TC308. ECN-C–01-117 (2001).

In this work, the CEN/TC 444 (formerly CEN/TC 292) compliance leaching test, EN 12457 parts 1-4 and the Eluate analysis methods prEN 13370 and ENV 12506 have been validated. These standards are important in view of their use in the EU landfill Directive 1999/31/EC and possibly other related regulations to be developed in the future. The compliance leaching test cannot be used alone to determine the leaching behaviour of a waste. For basic characterisation a methodology for the determination of the leaching behaviour of waste has been developed within CEN/TC 444, which is formulated in ENV 12920: 1998 “Methodology for the determination of the leaching behaviour of waste under specified conditions”. Validation of standards for waste can only be validated for a selection of representative wastes from the large number of wastes and waste types relevant in Europe.

EN 12457, EN 13370, EN 12506 Validation ECN


Leaching tests for non-volatile organic compounds – Development and testing. NT Technical report TR 576 (2004).

The main objective of this project was to develop a leaching test method suitable for organic non-volatile compounds. The project was performed in two parts. The first part of the project focused on solving problems concerning separation of solid and solute in the batch test and to evaluate the batch test versus the equilibrium column test. In the second part of the project the test methods were implemented on different Nordic laboratories and an impression of repeatability and reproducibility were obtained.

Nordtest Technical Report – Leaching tests for non-volatile organic compounds – development and testing


Leaching methods for soil, sludge and treated biowaste. Desk study 23 EU Project Horizontal.

This desk study focuses on the possible development of horizontal standards on leaching of sludge, soil and biowaste. The results obtained in EU funded projects on Harmonisation of Leaching/Extraction Tests, in which leaching test methods on a wide range of matrices have been compared, have demonstrated the potential for adopting horizontal standards for characterisation leaching tests. The methods developed for waste are sufficiently generic to be applicable to sludge, soil and biowaste, as has been demonstrated in the afore mentioned EU project. The methods to be considered are a pH dependent leaching test, a percolation test and batch leaching tests for compliance purposes.

Van der Sloot – 2003 – Leaching soil, sludge and biowaste


New approach to leach testing of bauxite residue to support management decisions in view of beneficial application and storage 

Bauxite residue storage, treatment and re-use practices are receiving increasing attention as refineriesstrive to reduce the potential environmental impact of their operations. In the past, leaching tests such as the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Protocol (TCLP) and the Australian Standard Leaching Protocol (ASLP) test have been used to evaluate wastes for their potential to release trace elements. These tests are limited in their usefulness, as they provide leaching data at a limited number of pH values, and do not provide information about the long-term behaviour of the residue. A new approach to characterisation of leaching behaviour, previously developed by the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) and Vanderbilt University (Nashville, US), has been applied to various bauxite residue samples. This approach involves characterising the leaching behaviour ofbauxite residue using a standardised pH dependence leaching test over a pH range from 4–12, and a standardised percolation leaching test. The leaching data was modelled using a geochemical speciation program to determine which chemical processes are controlling the leaching behaviour of bauxite residue.

Carter et al – 2005 – New approach to leach testing of bauxite residue to support management decisions in view of beneficial application and storage


Development of horizontally standardized leaching tests for construction materials: a material based or release based approach? Identical leaching mechanisms for different materials

In the framework of the development of the Construction Products Directive (CPD), harmonized tests have to be selected or developed for the measurement and risk assessment of “dangerous substances” that may be released from building materials. It is generally recognized that the environmental risks associated with the use of materials for construction purposes is primarily the potential release of contaminants from the material into the environment, due to contact with water (“leaching”). This report comprises a first evaluation if the number of leaching tests can be reduced to a testing framework based on common leaching mechanisms, which allows quantification of release from different construction products under different exposure conditions. The basic assumption is that the number of release controlling processes is limited and similar for a range of (construction) products. Data and knowledge from previous EU projects and from literature indicate that the dominant factors can be identified and quantified in a limited number of test methods, suitable to answer questions of both regulators and producers, for a wide range of (construction) products and a wide range of application scenarios. A hierarchy in testing is suitable to distinguish the more detailed characterization tests from the simple compliance tests for every-day practice.

Van der Sloot, Dijkstra – 2004 – Development of horizontally standardized leaching tests for construction materials a material based


Use of chemical speciation and reactive transport to predict leaching from coal combustion residues

The characterization of release from materials, such as coal combustion residues, is entering anew phase with the development and use of standardized characterization leaching tests and associated geochemical modeling capabilities coupled to a leaching database. Geochemical speciation and chemical reaction/transport modeling of coal fly ash leaching test data havebeen carried out using LeachXS-ORCHESTRA. A chemical speciation fingerprint (CSF) is provided consisting of a mineral selection and parameters for binding to Fe-oxide, Al-oxide, dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic matter, which provides detailed insight in the factors controlling release of >25 substances.

Van der Sloot et al – 2010 – Use of chemical speciation and reactive transport to predict leaching from coal combustion residues


Integrated decision tool for assessment of environmental compatibility of biomass and biomass ash

For biomass ash resulting from energy generation suitable methods of disposal or preferably beneficial use must be found. A proper evaluation of their environmental compatibility is needed, which cannot be judged by total content or a single step leaching test, as specified in current regulations if a regulation actually exists. Proper leaching tests have been standardized in CEN and by US EPA. An integrated decision tool (LeachXS) has been developed to predict release of substances under relevant exposure conditions in service life (beneficial use applications), in recycling scenarios and End of Life (disposal) conditions; thus supporting sustainable development of alternative energy sources. The application of biomass ash as a constituent in a cementious product is used as illustration of the new possibilities.

Van der Sloot – 2012 – Integrated decision tool for assessment of environmental compatibility of biomass and biomass ash


Technical principles underlying limit values for release of substances for the percolation test TS3: comparison DE and NL

Within CEN/TC 351 Working Group 1, standardized, horizontal test methods are developed to assess the release (leaching) of dangerous substances from construction as defined in ER3 (Essential Requirement 3) of the CPD (Construction Products Directive). For granular materials CEN/TS 16637-3, a horizontal up-flow percolation test, was further developed by CEN/TC 351 WG1 and will enter the validation phase in 2013. In CEN TC 351/WG1, there are still discussions regarding the sample preparation and some test conditions. In that context, comparisons are made between the Dutch and German regulatory approach, water quality objectives, location of the point of compliance, selected test condition for compliance.

Dijkstra, Van Zomeren, Susset – 2013 – Technical principles underlying limit values for release of substances for the percolation test


Revision of the Dutch Building Materials Decree: alternative emission limit values for inorganic components in granular building material. 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development – 1-4 juni 2008 – Hong Kong.

New emission limit values for inorganic components in stony and earthy building materials have been derived for the revision of the Building Materials Decree in the Netherlands. Three key factors determine the emission limit value: (1) the environmental compartment under consideration with its dimensions, (2) the desired level of environmental protection and (3) the scenario applying to the intended use of the construction material. Emission limit values have been derived here from modelled concentrations in soil, groundwater and surface water. Two models were used for the vertical reactive transport through the soil profile and for retardation of components in the soil profile. The PEARL model was used for binding described by a linear distribution coefficient approach (Kd). The ORCHESTRA modeling framework was used for modeling binding that takes speciation and surface complexation into account. For surface water, a dilution factor was computed assuming a certain mixing zone, dependent on the size of the surface water. The consequences of the proposed alternative emission limit values have been estimated on the basis of information in a database containing results of leaching tests for construction materials. The alternatives proposed form the basis for a political decision-making process, where environmental protection was balanced with other socio-economic concerns leading to criteria in the Soil Quality Decree.

Verschoor, Lijzen, Van den Broek, Cleven, Comans, Dijkstra – Modelapproach for updating Building Materials Decree to Soil Quality Decree criteria


Other relevant reports


Basic description Granular Construction products (GCP)

In LeachXS a tool has been developed to calculate concentrations of inorganic components in soil and groundwater as a result of emission from granular construction products. The model application is based on the model that has been used to calculate the new emission limit values for construction products of the Dutch Soil Quality Decree (SQD, 2008).

Dijkstra – 2009 – Explanation Granular Construction products model

CEN/TC 351/WG 5 – Construction products – Robustness validation of draft methods for eluate and content analysis of organic substances

CEN/TC 351 ‘Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances’ was established in 2005 to execute Mandate 366. The present robustness validation project aims at establishing the suitability of the following two ‘umbrella’ standards referring to existing methods of analysis:
– Content of organic substances in construction products (WI 00351024);
– Analysis of organic substances in eluates from construction product (WI 00351026).
The main aspect to be covered is to ensure that methods selected are sufficiently sensitive to allow regulatory limits to be assessed with sufficient precision to draw conclusions on acceptability. The associated analytical methods need to be verified forsuitability by carrying out repeatability measurements.

Robustness validation of the draft methods for eluate and content analysis of As, Sb and Se
This robustness validation projecton behalf of CEN/TC351/ Working group 5 (Content and eluateanalysis; Construction Products) aimed to evaluate the suitability of the developed standard methodsfor the determination of As, Sb and Se in eluates from contruction products and in aqua regia digestsof contruction products for content analysis. Eluate samples (7) and aqua regia digests of construction products (4) were analysed under repeatability conditions in 5-fold for thedetermination of As, Sb and Se using both quadrupole ICP-MS and hydride generation ICP-OES.
CEN/TC 351/WG 5 ‘Content and eluate analytsis in construction products’ – Robustness organic Report – 2018
Robustness validation of the draft methods for eluate and content analysis of inorganic substances other than As, Sb and Se
The present robustness validation project aims at establishing the suitability of the following two‘systems’ of standards:
1. Analysis of inorganic substances ineluates from construction products
2. Content of inorganic substances–Analysis of aqua regia digests from construction products.
The main aspect to be covered is to ensure that methods selected are sufficiently sensitive to allow regulatory limits to be assessed with sufficient precision to draw conclusions on acceptability. In this robustness validation study different eluates samples (14 + 1 reference) and different construction products (10 + 1 reference) were analysed for the determination of requested analytes by ICP-OES, ICP-MS and AFS. All eluates were analysed in 10-fold or 12-fold while all solid materials in 25-fold under repeatability conditions.

CEN/TC 351/WG 5 ‘Content and eluate analysis in construction products’ –  Vanhoof, Tirez – 2016 – Robustness validation of the draft methods foreluate and content analysis of As, Sb and Se

Project Horizontal validation study results

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) in soils, sludge and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 22997 EN  (2007)

Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Mercury (Hg) in Aqua Regia and Nitric Acid digests by Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (CV AAS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 22997 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of digestion for the extraction of aqua regia (AR) soluble fraction of trace elements in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23006 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of dry matter by gravimetric method in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23010 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of specific electrical conductivity (EC) in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23013 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination elements in aqua regia and nitric acid digests by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry method (GF-AAS) in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23008 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of elements in aqua regia and nitric acid digests by inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma – mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23007 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23025 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LCFLD) and liquid chromatography with mass selective detection (LC-MS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 22998 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of loss on ignition (LOI) in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23011 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen after extraction with 1 mol/ l potassium chloride in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23017 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of microwave digestion for the extraction of nitric acid soluble fraction of trace elements in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23005 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of nonylphenol (NP) and nonylphenol – mono- and diethoxylates – by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23002 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soils, sludges and treated biowaste using gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 22999 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of selected polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE) by gaschromatography method with mass selective detection (GC-MS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23003 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in soils, sludges and treated biowaste using GC-MS and GC-ECD in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23000 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and dioxins-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL PCB) in soils, sludges and treated biowaste using high resolution mass selective detection (HR GC-MS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23001 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of pH in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23014 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of selected phthalates (DEPH/ DBP) in soils, sludge and treated biowaste using GC-MS and GC-ECD in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23004 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of total nitrogen by dry combustion method in soils, sludges and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23016 EN (2007)

Validation of a horizontal standard for the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) by dry combustion in soils, sludge and treated biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise. EUR 23012 EN (2007)


More information on leaching references:

Background documents
Validation data
Leaching by material type
Grey literature
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