Leaching by material type

Application of characterisation leaching test in various fields



Kalbe U, Bandow N, Bredow A, Mathies H, Piechotta C (2014) Column leaching tests on soils containing less investigated organic pollutants. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 147, 291-297.

Schoknecht U, Mathies H, Lisec J (2021) Leaching and Transformation of Film Preservatives in Paints Induced by Combined Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation and Water Contact under Controlled Laboratory Conditions. Water 13, 2390.

Uhlig, S., Colson, B. und Schoknecht, U. (2019): A mathematical approach for the analysis of data obtained from the monitoring of biocides leached from treated materials exposed to outdoor conditions. Chemosphere 228, 271-277

Biomass and biomass ash

Maresca A, Krüger O, Herzel H, Adam C, Kalbe U, Astrup TF (2019) Influence of wood ash pre-treatment on leaching behaviour, liming and fertilising potential. Waste Manage. 83, 113-122.

H.A. van der Sloot, A. van Zomeren, D.S. Kosson and O. Hjelmar. Integrated decision tool for assessment of environmental compatibility of biomass and biomass ash. VENICE 2012, Fourth International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. 12-15 November 2012, Cini Foundation, Venice, Italy.

Cement based mortars and concrete

C.J. Engelsen, H.A.v an der Sloot and D.S. Kosson, 2021, Chapter 19 – Leaching assessmentmethodologies and regulations for evaluating the use of secondary and recycled materials in concrete and mortars. In:Waste and Byproducts in Cement-Based MaterialsInnovativeSustainable Materials for a Circular Economy,Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil andStructural Engineering,2021, Pages 583-600.

H.A. van der Sloot, 2000, Comparison of the characteristic leaching behaviour of cementsusing standard (EN 196-1) cement-mortar and an assessment of their long-termenvironmental behaviour in construction products during service life and recycling. Cement & Concrete Research 30, 1079–1096.

H.A. van der Sloot, H.A., A. van Zomeren, J.C.L. Meeussen, D. Hoede, R.P.J.J. Rietra, R. Stenger, Th. Lang, M. Schneider, G. Spanka, E. Stoltenberg-Hansson, A. Lerat, P. Dath, 2011. Environmental criteria for cement-based products ECRICEM. Phase I: Ordinary Portland Cement & Phase II: Blended Cements and methodology for impact assessment. ECN-E–11-020, ECN, The Netherlands.

Hans A. van der Sloot and David S. Kosson, 2022 Estimates of missing mineral stabilityconstants for less common elements from pH dependence leaching test data. Goldschmidtconference (13dT2), 2022, July 11-15, Honolulu.

Coal fly ash

D.S. Kosson , A.C. Garrabrants, R. DeLapp, H.A. van der Sloot. pH-dependent leaching of constituents of potential concern from concrete materials containing coal combustion fly ash. Chemosphere 103 (2014) 140–147

A.C. Garrabrants, D.S. Kosson, R. DeLapp, H.A. van der Sloot. Effect of coal combustion fly ash use in concrete on the mass transport release of constituents of potential concern. Chemosphere 103 (2014) 131–139.

H.A. van der Sloot, J.C.L. Meeussen, D.S. Kosson, and O. Hjelmar (2010) Use of Chemical Speciation and Reactive Transport to Predict Leaching from Coal Combustion Residues. Proceedings Second International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies June 28 – June 30, 2010, UNIVPM, Ancona, Italy.

X. Wang, A.G. Garrabrants, Z. Chen, H.A. van der Sloot, K. Brown, Q. Qiu, R. Delapp, B. Hensel, D.S>Kosson. The Influence of Redox Conditions on Aqueous-Solid Partitioning of Arsenic and Selenium ina Closed Coal Ash Impoundment. January 2022. Journal of Hazardous Materials 428:128255 (DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128255)

X. Wang, H. A. van der Sloot, K. G. Brown, A. C. Garrabrants, Z. Chen, B. Hensel, D. S. Kosson (2022) Application and uncertainty of a geochemical speciation model for predicting oxyanion leaching from coal fly ash under different controlling mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 438, 15 September 2022, 129518.

X. Wang, A. C. Garrabrants, Z. Chena, H. A. van der Sloot, K. G. Brown, Q. Qiuc, R. C. Delapp, B. Henseld, D. S.Kosson (2022) The influence of redoxconditions on aqueous-solid partitioning of arsenic and selenium in a closed coal ashimpoundment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 428, 15 April 2022, 128255

Coal fly ash in mortar and concrete

H.A. van der Sloot, D.S. Kosson, A.C. Garrabrants and J. Arnold, 2012. “The Impact of Coal Combustion Fly Ash Used as a Supplemental Cementitious Material on the Leaching of Constituents from Cements and Concretes”, EPA/600/R-12/704, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Air Pollution and Control Division, October 2012.

Ecotox testing and leaching

Bandow N, Gartiser S, Ilvonen O, Schoknecht U (2018) Evaluation of the impact of construction products on the environment by leaching of possibly hazardous substances. Environmental Sciences Europe 30.

Gartiser S, Heisterkamp I, Schoknecht U, Burkhardt M, Ratte M, Ilvonen O, Brauer F, Brückmann J, Dabrunz A, Egeler P, Eisl A-M, Feiler U, Fritz I, König S, Lebertz H, Pandard P, Pötschke G, Scheerbaum D, Schreiber F, Soldán P, Weiß R, Weltens R (2017) Results from a round robin test for the ecotoxicological evaluation of construction products using two leaching tests and an aquatic test battery. Chemosphere 175, 138-146.

Gartiser S, Heisterkamp I, Schoknecht U, Bandow N, Burkhardt NM, Ratte M, Ilvonen O (2017) Recommendation for a test battery for the ecotoxicological evaluation of the environmental safety of construction products. Chemosphere 171, 580-587.

Heisterkamp I, Ratte M, Schoknecht U, Gartiser S, Kalbe U, Ilvonen O (2021) Ecotoxicological evaluation of construction products: inter-laboratory test with DSLT and percolation test eluates in an aquatic biotest battery. Environmental Sciences Europe 33, 75.

Heisterkamp I, Gartiser S, Kalbe U, Bandow N, Gloßmann A (2019) Assessment of leachates from reactive fire-retardant coatings by chemical analysis and ecotoxicity testing. Chemosphere 226, 85-93.

Moser, H., Römbke, J. (Eds.), (2009) Ecotoxicological Characterization of Waste – Results and Experiences of an International Ring Test. Springer.

J.F. Postma, H.A. van der Sloot, and A. van Zomeren (2009). Ecotoxicological response of three waste samples in relation to chemical speciation modelling of leachates.  In : Ecotoxicological characterization of waste – Results and experiences from a European ring test. Eds: J. Römbke, R. Becker & H. Moser, Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. Norwell (MA), 2009.

Von Wolff M.A., Stephan D. (2021) Testing of Eluates from Waterproof Building Materials for Potential Environmental Effects Due to the Behavior of Enchytraeus albidus. Materials 14, 294.

Electric Arc furnace slag

M. Loncnar, H.A. van der Sloot, A. Mladenovič, M. Zupančič, L. Kobal, P. Bukovec (2016) Study of the leaching behaviour of ladle slags by means of leaching tests combined with geochemical modelling and mineralogical investigations. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 317, 147-157.

M. Loncnar, H.A. van der Sloot, M. Zupančič, A. Mladenovič (2017) Leaching and geochemicalmodelling of a metallurgical slag heap.5th International Slag Valorisation Symposium , Leuven, Belgium, 3-5 April 2017.

S. Neuhold, A. van Zomeren, J.J. Dijkstra, H.A. van der Sloot, P. Drissen, D. Algermissen, D. Mudersbach, S. Schüler, T. Griessacher, J.G. Raith, R. Pomberger and D. Vollprecht. Investigation of Possible Leaching Control Mechanisms for Chromium and Vanadium in Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Slags Using Combined Experimental and Modeling Approaches. Minerals (9) 2019, 525.

End of waste (aggregates)

H. Saveyn, P. Eder, E. Garbarino, L. Muchova, O. Hjelmar, H.A. van der Sloot, R.N.J. Comans, A. van Zomeren, J. Hyks, A. Oberender (2014) Study on methodological aspects regarding limit values for pollutants in aggregates in the context of the possible development of end-of-waste criteria under the EU Waste Framework Directive. JRC-IPTS, EUR 26769 EN. http://susproc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/activities/waste/documents/Aggregates%20leaching%20Main.pdf

Geochemical modelling

Tiruta-Barna, L.: Using PHREEQC for modelling and simulation of dynamic leaching tests and scenarios. J. Hazard Mater. 2008, 157(2-3), 525-533. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.01.028


Z. Sun, A. Vollpracht, H.A. van der Sloot. pH dependent leaching characterization of major and trace elements from fly ash and metakaolin geopolymers. Cement and Concrete Research 125, 2019, 105889.

Harmonisation of leaching tests

H.A. van der Sloot, L. Heasman, Ph. Quevauviller. Harmonization of leaching/extraction tests, 1997. Studies in Environmental Science, Volume 70. Eds, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 292 pp.

Hazardous waste classification and leaching

P. Hennebert, H.A. van der Sloot, F. Rebischung, R. Weltens, L. Geerts, O. Hjelmar (2014) Hazard property classification of waste according to the recent propositions of the EC using different methods. Waste management, Volume 34, Issue 10, October 2014, Pages 1739–1751.

H.A. van der Sloot, O. Hjelmar, D.S. Kosson, and A. van Zomeren. 2014. Availability from leaching or actual leaching as alternative for total content in the hazard classification of wastes with potential for beneficial use.  4th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management September 2-5, 2014, Chania, Crete. https://www.tuhh.de/iue/iwwg/welcome.html

LCA and leaching

E. Allegrini, S. Butera, D.S. Kosson, A van Zomeren, H.A. van der Sloot, T.F. Astrup (2015) Life cycle assessment and residue leaching: the importance of parameter, scenario and leaching data selection. Waste Management, Volume 38, April 2015, Pages 474–485.

L. Tosti, A. van Zomeren, J.R. Pels, A. Damgaard & R.N.J.  Comans. Life cycleassessment of the reuse of fly ash from biomass combustion as secondary cementitiousmaterial in cement products. J. Clean. Prod. 245, (2020).

Leaching / Weathering of construction components

Lin, X.; Vollpracht, A.; Markus, P.; Linnemann, V.: Optimization of a German short term percolation test to determine the leaching of granular materials. Waste Management 105 (2020). S. 433-444. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.02.039

Overmann, S.; Lin, X.; Vollpracht, A.: Investigations on the Leaching Behavior of Fresh Concrete – a Review. Construction and Building Materials 272 (2021), S. 121390 (12 Seiten). DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121390

Schoknecht, U.; Tietje, O.; Borho, N.; Burkhardt, M.; Rohr, M.; Vollpracht, A.;Weiler, L.: Environmental Impact of Construction Products on Aquatic Systems—Principles of an Integrated Source–Path–Target Concept. Water 14 (2022). S. 228 (19 Seiten). DOI:10.3390/w14020228

Sun, Z.; Vollpracht, A.: Leaching of monolithic geopolymer mortars. Cement and Concrete Research 136 (2020), S. 106161 (12 Seiten). DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106161

Vega-Garcia, P.; Schwerd, R.; Johann, S.; Helmreich, B.: Groundwater risk assessment of leached inorganic substances from façades coated with plasters and mortars, Chemosphere 287 (2022), 132176. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132176

Vega-Garcia, P.; Schwerd, R.; Scherer, C.; Schwitalla, C.; Johann, S.; Rommel, S.H.; Helmreich, B.: Influence of façade orientation on the leaching of biocides from building façades covered with mortars and plasters, Sci. Total Environ. (2020), 734, 139465. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139465

Vega-Garcia, P.; Schwerd, R.; Schwitalla, C.; Johann, S.; Scherer, C.; Helmreich, B. Leaching prediction for vertical test panels coated with plaster and mortars exposed under real conditions by a PHREEQC leaching model. Chemosphere 280 (2021), 130657. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130657

Weiler, L.; Vollpracht, A.; Matschei, T.: Leaching of Carbon Reinforced Concrete- Part 2: Discussion of Evaluation Concepts and Modelling. Materials 13 (2020), Artikel 4937, (26 Seiten). DOI: 10.3390/ma13214937

Weiler, L.; Vollpracht, A.: Leaching of Carbon Reinforced Concrete – Part 1: Experimental Investigations. Materials 13 (2020), Artikel 4405, (29 Seiten). DOI: 10.3390/ma13194405

Leaching database (LeachXS)

H.A. van der Sloot, P.F.A.B. Seignettte, J.C.L. Meeussen, O. Hjelmar and D.S. Kosson (2008) A database, speciation modelling and decision support tool for soil, sludge, sediments, wastes and construction products: LeachXS™- Orchestra. In: Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, November 17-20 2008. https://www.tuhh.de/iue/iwwg/welcome.html

Lead-Zinc slag

D. Mandin, H.A. van der Sloot, C. Gervais, R. Barna, J. Mehu (1997) Valorization of lead-zincprimary smelters slags. WASCON Conference 1997, June 4-6, 1997. Houthem, Netherlands.

Low-level nuclear waste leaching

Chen Gruber, Kevin G. Brown, Andrew C. Garrabrants, Johannes.C.L. Meeussen, Hans van der Sloot, David S. Kosson. Modeling Interfaces to Support Low-Level Waste Disposal System Performance Assessments – 20366. WM2020 Conference, March 8 – 12, 2020, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Peng Zhang, Janelle Branch Lewis, Ofra Klein-BenDavid, Rossane Delapp, Andrew C. Garrabrants, Hans A. van der Sloot, David S. Kosson. The role of environmental conditions on the carbonation of an alkali-activated cementitious waste form.  Cement and Concrete Research Volume 151, January 2022, 106645.

Zhiliang Chen, Peng Zhang, Kevin G. Brown, Janelle L. Branch, Hans A. van der Sloot, Johannes C. L. Meeussen, Rossane C. Delapp, Wooyong Um, and David S. Kosson. Development of a Geochemical Speciation Model for Use in Evaluating Leaching from a Cementitious Radioactive Waste Form.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 13, 8642–8653.


Bandow N, Finkel M, Grathwohl P, Kalbe U, Management W (2019) Influence of flow rate and particle size on local equilibrium in column percolation tests using crushed masonry. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management.

Mining waste

H.A. van der Sloot, A. van Zomeren. (2012) Characterisation Leaching Tests and Associated Geochemical Speciation Modelling to Assess Long Term Release Behaviour from Extractive Wastes. Mine Water and the Environment 31: 92–103.

Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator bottom ash

IAWG (International Ash Working Group) A.J. Chandler, T.T. Eighmy, J. Hartlen, O. Hjelmar, D.S. Kosson, S.E. Sawell, H.A. van der Sloot, J. Vehlow. 1997. Municipal Solid WasteIncinerator Residues. Studies in Environmental Science 67, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 974 pp.

J.J. Dijkstra, J.C.L. Meeussen, H.A. van der Sloot, (2008). A consistent geochemical modelling approach for the leaching and reactive transport of major and trace elements in MSWI bottom ash. Applied geochemistry   Volume: 23   Issue: 6   Pages: 1544-1562.

J.J. Dijkstra, H.A. van der Sloot, R.N.J. Comans. (2006) The leaching of major and trace elements from MSWI bottom ash as a function of pH and time. Applied geochemistry   Volume: 21   Issue: 2   Pages: 335-351.

Kalbe U, Simon F-G (2020) Potential Use of Incineration Bottom Ash in Construction: Evaluation of the Environmental Impact. Waste and Biomass Valorization 11, 7055–7065.

S. Lopez Meza, A. C. Garrabrants, H.A. van der Sloot, D. S. Kosson (2008) Comparison of the release of constituents from granular materials under batch and columntesting. Waste Management, Volume 28, Issue 10, 1853-1867.

Simon FG, Vogel C, Kalbe U (2021) Antimony and vanadium in incineration bottom ash – leaching behavior and conclusions for treatment processes. Detritus 16, 75-81.

H.A. van der Sloot, D.S. Kosson & O. Hjelmar: Characteristics, treatment and utilization of residues from municipal waste incineration. Waste Management 21 (2001), pp. 753-765.

Municipal Solid Waste Landfill

H.A. van der Sloot, D.S. Kosson, and A. van Zomeren. (2017) Leaching, Geochemical Modelling and Field Verification of a Municipal Solid Waste and a Predominantly Non-degradable Waste Landfill. Waste Management, 63, 74-95.

NORM leaching

H.A. van der Sloot, D.S. Kosson, N. Impens, N. Vanhoudt, Talal Almahayni, H. Vandenhove, L. Sweeck, R. Wiegers, J.L. Provis, C. Gasco, W. Schroeyers (2017)  Leaching assessment as a component of environmental safety and durability analyses for NORM containing building materials.  In: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction – Integrating Radiation Protection in Reuse (COST Action Tu1301 NORM4BUILDING) 2017.  Ed. Wouter Schroeyers. Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering. Duxford, UK.

Paper–plastic gasification char

A. Fuente-Cuestaa, M.A. Lopez-Antona, M. Diaz-Somoanoa, A. van Zomeren, M. Cieplik, M.R. Martínez-Tarazona. Leaching of major and trace elements from paper–plastic gasification chars: An experimental and modelling study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 244–245 (2013) 70–76.

pH dependence vs Sequential chemical extraction

H.A. van der Sloot and A van Zomeren. Geochemical speciation modelling of pH dependence test data as alternative to sequential chemical extraction. Proceedings IWWG Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste 8-11 November 2010, Cini Foundation, Venice, Italy. https://www.tuhh.de/iue/iwwg/welcome.html


Maszkowska J, Kolodziejska M, Bialk-Bielinska A, Mrozik W, Kumirska J, Stepnowski P, Palavinskas R, Krüger O, Kalbe U (2013) Column and batch tests of sulfonamide leaching from different types of soil. J. Hazard. Mater. 260, 468-474.

Mioduszewska K, Maszkowska J, Bialk-Bielinska A, Krüger O, Kalbe U, Liberek B, Lukaszewicz P, Stepnowski P (2016) The leaching behaviour of cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide from soil in the presence of co-contaminant – Mixture sorption approach. Science of the Total Environment 542, 915-922.

Recycled concrete aggregate

C.J. Engelsen, H.A. van der Sloot and G. Petkovic (2016) Long-term leaching from recycled concrete aggregates applied as sub-base material in road construction, Sci Total Environ, 2017 Jun 1; 587-588.

C.J. Engelsen, H.A. van der Sloot, G. Wibetoe, H. Justnes, W. Lund, E. Stoltenberg-Hansson, 2010. Leaching characterisation and geochemical modelling of minor and trace elements released from recycled concrete aggregates. Cement and Concrete Research 2010; 40: 1639-1649.

Red mud derived soil improver

C. M. Carter, H. A. van der Sloot, D. Cooling, A. van Zomeren and T. Matheson. Characterisation of untreated and neutralised bauxite residue for improved waste management.Environmental Engineering Science, Volume 25, Number 4, 2008, 475-488.

C.M. Carter, H.A. van der Sloot, and D. Cooling (2009).  pH dependent extraction of soils and soil amendments to understand the factors controlling element mobility – New approach to assess soil and soil amendments. European Journal of Soil Science, August 2009, 60, 622–637.

Relationships between laboratory testing and field observations (10 cases)

D.S. Kosson, H.A. van der Sloot, A.C. Garrabrants and P.F.A.B. Seignette. Leaching Test Relationships, Laboratory-to-Field Comparisons and Recommendations for Leaching Evaluation using the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework. EPA 600/R-14/061 September 2014. https://www.vanderbilt.edu/leaching/downloads/publications/leaf-supporting-documentation/

Soil, sedimentsand soil related materials

D. Centioli, R.N. Comans , S. Gaudino, C. Galas, M. Belli (2008) Leaching tests: useful tools for therisk assessment of contaminated sediments. Annali Dell’istituto Superiore di Sanita, 01 Jan 2008, 44 (3) : 252-257.

H.A. van der Sloot. Harmonisation of leaching/extraction procedures for sludge, compost, soiland sediment analyses. In: Methodologies for Soil and sediment fractionation studies. Ed. P. Quevauviller. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2002. pp 142-170.

Stabilized MSWI fly ash

H.A. van der Sloot, A. van Zomeren, J.C.L. Meeussen, P. Seignette, R. Bleijerveld, 2007. Interpretation of test method selection, validation against field data, and predictive modelling for impact evaluation of stabilised waste disposal. Journal of Hazardous Materials 141, 354-369.

Sludge amended soil

W. Fang, G. Qi, Y. Wei, D.S. Kosson, H.A. van der Sloot, J. Liu (2018) Leaching characteristic of toxic trace elements in soils amended by sewage sludge compost: A comparison of field and laboratory investigations. Environmental Pollution, Volume 237, June 2018, Pages 244–252.

W. Fang, R. Delapp, D.S. Kosson, H.A. van der Sloot, J. Liu (2017) Release of heavy metals during long-term land application of sewage sludge compost: percolation leaching tests with repeated additions of compost, Chemosphere, 169:271-280.

Synthetic sports surfaces

Kalbe U, Krüger O, Wachtendorf V, Berger W, Hally S (2013) Development of Leaching Procedures for Synthetic Turf Systems Containing Scrap Tyre Granules. Waste and Biomass Valorization 4, 745-757.

Krüger O, Kalbe U, Richter E, Egeler P, Römbke J, Berger W (2013) New approach to the ecotoxicological risk assessment of artificial outdoor sporting grounds. Environmental Pollution 175, 69-74.

Krüger O, Kalbe U, Berger W, Nordhauß K, Christoph G, Walzel HP (2012) Comparison of Batch and Column Tests for the Elution of Artificial Turf System Components. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 13085-13092.

Wachtendorf V, Kalbe U, Krüger O, Bandow N (2017) Influence of weathering on the leaching behaviour of zinc and PAH from synthetic sports surfaces. Polymer Testing 63, 621-631.

Treated Wood

Schoknecht U, Kalbe U, van Zomeren A, Hjelmar O (2014) Laboratory leaching tests on treated wood according to different harmonised test procedures. Environmental Sciences Europe 26, 25.

Waste/Contaminated soil

Kalbe, U., Schatten, R. und Szuppa, T. (2020): Monitoringprogramm zur Verwertung von Bodenmaterial gemäß 6-8 Novelle BBodSchV (Monitoring of soil-like materials for potential utilisation in view of the amended Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV) in Germany), UBA Texte 127/2020, https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/monitoringprogramm-zur-verwertung-von-bodenmaterial
(contains an excellent English summary)

Kalbe U, Bandow N, Bredow A, Mathies H, Piechotta C (2014) Column leaching tests on soils containing less investigated organic pollutants. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 147, 291-297.

Kalbe U, Berger W, Eckardt J, Simon FG (2008) Evaluation of leaching and extraction procedures for soil and waste. Waste Manage. 28, 1027-1038.

Krüger O, Kalbe U, Berger W, Simon FG, López Meza S (2012) Leaching experiments on the release of heavy metals and PAH from soil and waste materials. J. Hazard. Mater. 207-208, 51-55.

López Meza S, Kalbe U, Berger W, Simon FG (2010) Effect of contact time on the release of contaminants from granular waste materials during column leaching experiments. Waste Manage. 30, 565-571.

López Meza S, van der Sloot H, Kosson DS (2009) The effects of intermittent unsaturated wetting on the release of constituents from construction demolition debris. Environ. Eng. Sci. 26, 463-469.

López Meza S, Garrabrants AC, van der Sloot H, Kosson DS (2008) Comparison of the release of constituents from granular materials under batch and column testing. Waste Manage. 28, 1853-1867.


More information on leaching references:

Background documents
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Leaching by material type
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