Terminology, Acronyms and Abbreviations



Batch test – static release test method to determine the release of substances from a granular material by agitation at a fixed liquid to solid-ratio.

Dynamic surface leaching test (DSLT) – release test method in which a monolithic, sheet-like or plate-like product is immersed in a leachant renewed at determined subsequent time intervals. Sometimes also referred to as tank test of monolith leach test.

Eluate – solution obtained from a laboratory leaching test.

Leachant / Eluate – liquid that is brought into contact with the test portion in the leaching procedure in field/laboratory test.

Leachate – solution obtained by a field leaching test of a solid product in contact with rainwater, surface water or groundwater.

Leaching behaviour –release and change with time in release from a solid product in contact with a leachant/eluent as a function of major release controlling factors.

Leaching test – laboratory test for the determination of the release of substance from a material or product into water or an aqueous solution.

Liquid to surface area ratio – ratio between the volume of liquid (L) which in a given step of a test is in contact with the exposed surface area (A) of the test portion (L/A in L/m2).

Liquid to solid-ratio – batch test – ratio between the amount of liquid (L) and mass of solid (S) in a batch test.

Percolation test – release test method to determine the release of substances from a granular material or product packed in a column with a leachant percolating through it.

pH dependence leaching test – test to assess the influence of pH on the leachability of inorganic constituents from a material or product and where pre-determined amounts of acid or base are used to reach desired end pH values.

Test method for granular material or products with low hydraulic conductivity (GLHC) – release test method in which a granular material or product with low hydraulic conductivity is exposed with one defined surface to a leachant renewed at determined subsequent time intervals. (sometimes also called compacted granular leach test – CGLT)

Acronyms and abbreviations


CEN – Comité Européen de Normalisation – European Committee for Standardization

CPR – European Construction Products regulation

ISO – International Organization for Standardization

LEAF – Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework

LOQ – Limit of quantification

LOD – Limit of detection

RSD – Relative standard deviation (%)

RSDr –Repeatability standard deviation from intercomparison validation

RSDR – Reproducibility standard deviation from intercomparison validation

SCE – Sequential chemical extraction

TCLP – Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure

TS – Technical specification (type of pre-standard in CEN)

US-EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency


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